5 Benefits of Play with Cubefun

As a new mum I had no real idea of the importance of play or the benefits of play for children. It wasn’t until I enrolled in my local SureStart that I learned just how important play was. Since the beginning of my business journey I have centred my toy around learning through play and seeing kids play and enjoy it has been the best feeling ever.

"Play is our brain's favourite way of learning"
Diane Ackerman

benefits of play

The benefits of Play are that it promotes Physical Well being, Social Wellbeing and Emotional wellbeing and helps Cognitive, Communication and Creative development. During my initial market research I read an article from The Northern Ireland Assembly Research Matters Blog stating that …. “25% of children are obese in Northern Ireland.


The importance of play was further referred to in the Childrens and young people’s strategy


To focus on these areas when designing my cube became a priority for me, our kids need to move more and play more. Which is why I can now confidently say that playing with Cube Fun has the following 5 benefits for kids. 

1.Promotes Physical Activity -Cubefun will get them moving their bodies more and in a fun way.

2.Encourages Colour Recognition – the bright colours of the cube are easily recognisable which helps develop kids language skills and develop communication

3. Increases Discovery & Spatial Awareness – being able to throw Cubefun due to its softness allows kids to work out their ability to throw and catch which helps spatial awareness.

4. Helps develop Gross Motor Skills – the action words on Cubefun like jumping, running, hopping all help to develop children’s larger muscle body movements.

5. Encourages Turn Taking – as well as being used for independent play, Cube Fun helps teach children to take turns when playing. 

active child

“To grow up healthy, kids need to sit less and play more”

World Health Organisation

Toys that encourage imaginative play are what our kids need more of, as a parent I worry about the amount of screen time my children have and so if I can encourage other children to move and play more I am delighted to play a small part in this.

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